About the Barn
In 1920, 20 farmers that had the vision for the town of Troy's economic future in regards to our farming heritage dreamt of the Troy Sale Barn. These Shorthorn & Holstein cattle breeders saw the need for a barn for buyers to come purvey the livestock. The Livestock Sale Pavilion opened to multiple livestock sales in 1922 and increased the economic activity in Western Bradford County for the next 70 years.
On Wednesdays, the town of Troy bustled as farmers brought their stock to the sale. As the decades flew by, businesses in Troy grew with the support of the agricultural activity at the Sale Barn. Farming families came to town for the sale and also did their banking, bought their groceries, shopped at local businesses, thereby making Troy their hometown. Banks flourished, car dealerships grew, good-paying jobs increased and the schools thrived. This growth and success meant that finding housing in Troy in the early 1950's was nearly impossible.

In the early 2000's, the last livestock sale was held and the barn was sold to a private individual, passing through several hands before the Troy Municipal Authority bought the barn back. In 2014, the barn was slated to be torn down and turned into a parking lot. Local citizens saw the potential of what the Troy Sale Barn could again offer to our area--and now the barn is operated by the Troy Sale Barn Operating Corporation (TSBOC). The TSBOC has completely renovated the hall & arena areas--but they still need your support for future capital improvements such as roof & outdoor entrance to the arena to sustain the barn for the next 100 years--with volunteering or monetary donations!